We had a very nice and interesting writing workshop in Cigunuela, Spain, with Marta who is the teacher for all the year. (find more info on the blog) You can participate right now too ! You are invited to give words which comes to your mind when you look at each movie. It could be emotions, feelings, pictures, associations... And each author of the movies will collect those words to create a text... So It would be so nice of you to do it !!!
Pour quelques jours chez nos amis Irène et Thomas, nous rencontrons Anita, une prof très engagée et dynamique qui enseigne dans un lycée professionnel à Angers. Elle nous a invité une demi journée pour rencontrrer sa classe de 3ème pro et animer un atelier photo animation. La classe travaille avec elle et Elise, prof d'arts appliqués, autour du thème du loup. Voici donc ci dessous les films des 4 groupes ainsi que le "teaser" ! Nous attendons vos retours sous forme de commentaires,...
One of our workshops is to take a camera, go outside and collect some pictures, movies, sounds... The research is done with a theme : what attracts you ? What resists ? This workshop was made in Projekthaus in Potsdam. The autors are invited to write a story on this movie, and you can help them by posting some words like a commentary that come to you when you see the film...